Iron Creek Classic
Three on Three
Pond Hockey Tournament
We are pleased to announce the 4th Annual Iron Creek Classic 3 on 3 Pond Hockey Tournament is scheduled for January 25th, 2025 brought to you by the Northern Hills Chinook!
​The Iron Creek Classic returns for 2025 with another fantastic event planned. We have an idyllic venue, fantastic food and beverage items, event t-shirts for every participant, and great auction items that you will be able to bid online through March 31st, 2025.
All proceeds go to the Northern Hills Amateur Hockey Association, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit youth organization dedicated to bringing youth hockey and a rink to the Northern Black Hills. This is a great opportunity to volunteer and help make the event run even smoother and will further aid youth hockey in the Northern Hills.
This is an adult tournament, but 14 to 17 year-olds may play with a parent or guardian or have that parent/guardian there at the event site during its entirety. Additionally, they must have a signed permission slip and their waiver must be signed by the parent or guardian. However, we will have a kids area set up for those future hall-of-famers that want to come up and skate!
The cost to participate is $75 per player. Don't have a team? Don't worry! We have plenty of spots where we can add you to a team on gameday. Get yourself registered and bring your forms with to the tournament and we will get you on a team. Come a little early so we can get you paired up and you can get to meet your teammates.
Once again, we will be having our tournament during Chinook Days here in Spearfish as we are proud to highlight our event along with the festivities they provide. As the tournament winds down Saturday, head over to the Chinook Days Beer Fest and Bonfire at the Spearfish Amphitheater parking lot. Food trucks, craft breweries, live music, and the bonfire will be the perfect cap to you day. If you are interested in a wristband for that event, watch for wristband sales to commence at www.chinookdays.com..
Year 4 will be better than ever, so make your plans to attend. Registration is LIMITED, so return back here to watch for the registration announcement so you aren't left out in the cold...figuratively speaking.
If you have any questions, our tournament director Brandy Purcell-Hartman can be reached at northernhillsaha@gmail.com or ae@mountrushmoremls.com

We are full on teams in our divisions, but still have room for a few more individual players
Have kids in the Northern Hills interested in hockey?